Why i feel bad playing pw :(

Why i feel bad playing pw. Its hard to say…but i were scammer :frowning: it was when game was early idk. Luckily i didnt scam than one guy and he had tropped only one hot tub…well i gave him shirt back then but still i feel bad bc i were STUPID. And young. Nowdays people trust me… and i have alot more friends than back then
:frowning: i just wanna give wl or two or something bavk to him… why i tell this…because I WEEL BAD! Its just hard to think i were scammer :’( nowdays i understand how stupid i were :frowning: now whole commynity goin ti be mean to me but its ok :frowning: i did wrong thing and now i feel bad :’(


I fully understand you, I also scammed someone in the past, now I really regret it. As we grow and mature, We finally realize that scamming is not good at all, scamming makes people sad and depressed, Scamming is also a crime.

We don’t hate you, We hate someone who scams but doesn’t think he/she is wrong.

If the community is mean to you for this post, then that it is not your fault, it is their fault.

Be a good man from now on. : ) @Oskukso .
:fire: :+1: :muscle:
I Appreciate your honesty in this post.


Thanks…you made me cry :slightly_smiling_face:


This happened awhile ago, it doesn’t mean your a scammer anymore. Don’t push your self down for something you did that when you where younger. I regret some things I did in 2017 that where not that great. People change, we get older we change, Of course you can apologize to the person you scammed maybe give him a few small things too. People change man, people shouldn’t hate you for doing something wrong a long time ago. As long as you never do that again, then you should be fine. You know the mistake you made as well, we learn from them I doubt you’ll ever make it again. Keep playing don’t feel bad, for a bad choice you made, as long as you can never do it again. More we get older the more mature we get, so don’t feel bad with any mistakes you made. As long as you don’t make them again.


Are uthe enderman dude from the old forums?


What old formus? I never had account when there were the old forums :confused: mah english bad xd

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I remember that other Enderman guy from the old forums, he had pretty boken englis and want be mod. I wonder where he is now?

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I scammed someone one time as well (but it is over a small thing). I feel bad for him, I was young and stupid back then. I hope you over come that feeling :+1:


Its not me (20 characters)

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Brings me back to when I was 10-12 playing Growtopia. Jesus Christ I scammed a lot.
30 diamond locks from a Danish guy.

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I’m glad I was kinda stupid back then, or else I would probably scam a lot since I was greedy


Remember this, all of us has made alot of mistakes before and is now learned as a lesson. Don’t feel bad at yourselves because a player like you can change.

Like me, who used to attention seek and making alot of dramas at growtopia forums. I got bañned last 3 years ago and learned a lesson into it. That is why I feel cringe if someone is attention seeking.


Dude I love scamming people!


i also tried to host some drop games back in 2017, but never actually scammed someone because i had nothing to put as prize…

Man, i was really cringy and stupid back then :slightly_smiling_face:


I didn’t realize that many forumers actually used to scam :moyai:


Well Guys, I actually got scammed a lot back in the days and got blackmailed also got bullied in school. That was why I scammed people, like twice, then I realized it made people sad and depressed.

I have since tried helping people, although I still got scammed a lot because of that lol.

But let me tell you that the past is the past and we shouldn’t linger around it, I have forgiven all scammers and fake friends from the past.

I could bet that 99/100 players have scammed someone.

Oh, another time was when I bought diamond locks from eBay sellers in 2018. I did the dispute thing on PayPal and won each time.

As a 10-13-year-old kid, it’s quite a lot to scam that much.
But I turned out fine and honest in the end when I decided to grow up.

Thank god that I grew up before coming to Pixel Worlds.


This was me from the past when i got scammed
Me Now.


Everyone that played the game. " Everyone " has experienced scamming someone (and will become mature enough to learn he/her past mistakes). And if the player doesn’t admit that then he’s acting very suspecious…/ Or is working for kukouri ofc.

It is very impossible if a regular player hasn’t scammed someone since day 1.


most people who scammed back in 2017/2018 did it because they saw so many youtube videos about it.