Why is everything dropping in price?

I havent been that active recently but ive seen enough on the items prices side.

We all know that the majority of the playerbase makes minors but its so frustrating and demotivating to see how the item prices are changing in so dumb fashion. I think its soo unnormal for some items to rise or drop over hundreds of thousands bc basically overnight.
Istg, these kids cannot maintain normal in game economy.

So please let me know what are the reasons why all the items are so cheap.

here, this can explain


Yeah that pretty much sums it up lol


I wrote a long post about this topic but I’ll summarize it for you. Byte coin store sucks a lot of byte coins out of the PW economy and that makes bytes more rare than before. And when bytes are rarer than before that means you can buy more stuff with less bytes and that makes item prices drop.


When the thread has 0 likes but the first reply has 18


You need to give that guy credit, the meme was hilarious😂


Ik i am and it was.


That makes much more sense now!

Everybody thinks its just because of bytecoin store, but no… before they added bytecoin store into the game items were already dropped to half price.
What effected items to drop this much:
-Illegal traders were selling their items for cheap in order to get pures.
-No ways to earn enough bytecoins (all dungeons we have gives gems which nobody uses to purchase bytecoins from the store)
-Bytecoins were decreasing from the game everyday with PWE taxes, card battle taxes and secretbase.
-Jake talking about returning limited items with bytecoin store on the stream.
-Midnightwalker selling items for cheap on PWE which made people panick and think that he is going to add more items to PWE.
-Jake confirming that they add some items back to the community with secret events.

after all of this they added bytecoin stores which demotivated people to keep items to profit, and because items never rised due to these issues everyone decided to get rid of items and keep pures in order to profit


I am actualy glad that everything is dropping since everything is much more accessible. Can’t care any less if some rich player loses a few thousand bytecoins over it, i think its better for the game overall.

Well it is good for players that weren’t wealthy, but most of the community is medium average or above, so it wasn’t good for over 70% of players… yeah this made Pixel Worlds more enjoyable for new players, but also made thousands of players quit, even I thought of quitting Pixel Worlds, but there is still some hope, they just need to change some basic stuff and everything will be solves for everyone.


To be fair, even if it is so, i think the game becomes more enjoyable. When you have everything in the game it can become quite stale and boring, and i experienced this myself. I once had a 40pl net worth but because of how stale the game was it was just becoming really boring. So what i did is gave half of my wealth to my friends and the other half was simply trashed. Sure it is hard at first, but then you get to experience the same excitement you used to have about this game many years ago. It becomes much more fun because there is always something to gain. But yeah, losing something might not work as well for everyone i guess. Even so, players still have the items they had, it just costs less now. If everything is dropping then it just means that everything will be much cheaper. It doesnt mean that you wont be able to buy something, because that “something” has dropped as well. Its just smaller numbers, thats it.


I get your point, but its not what most of the community thinks. Yes all items are dropping but not like how they should drop, lets say that you had a Dracula Cape 7 months ago like Epro, he sold it for 2 Red PWR sets, 240 Platinum Locks, 27 Golden Short Swords, 17 Scabbards, Dark Ifrit Mask, Cthulhu Wings, Dark Pixie Wings and Black Visor. With todays prices those items are worth 41.160.000 Bytecoins, and Dracula Cape is now worth 15.000.000 Bytecoins which means richer you were more Bytecoins you lost. Thats what makes a lot of people mad.

I remember selling Dark Pixie Wings for Spirit Claw, Cthulhu Wings, Soul Cleaver, Green Visor and now It is just worth Cthulhu Wings + Green Visor or Spirit Claw + Soul Cleaver, you can literally buy 2 Dark Pixies with same items now.


This isn’t about why items are dropping, but it’s safe to say if pw keeps trying to keep prices down they will lose most their player base, especially those older players who helped shape the game. This exo ment is so ridiculously deflated that people old and new have no reason to play the game anymore. Noobs have less grindy work to get items they want, so they don’t play as much, and old players are demotivated by said decrease.