Why is this person profile unclickable

If you have 3 wish, what would it be? (the first person that replies this thread, you cant click on the profile, why?)

it names anon for some reason and theres random numbers
what happen to that profile?

Bug exploitation.

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You can open it tho

Maybe he is the biggest introvert we’ve ever (not) seen.


The person has been anoned which means their acount name is changed to anon with a random string of characters. This is the closest thing you can do to delete your forum account on discourse, the only way I believe you can anon yourself is to contact a forum admin.

To be honest when I made the alt account I was kind of shocked that no one knew who it was (Me)
I used a similar personality, exact same pfp as my discord pfp at some point, and other stuff kept leading to Owl (Previous name) being my alt account

Using alt accounts are illegal, although I did it anyway for silly reasons (Mostly used it for jokes, gotta admit I did like boost for dumb reasons aswell alot of months ago)

it was deleted back then around May or April

Signed, Owl

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That’s a cute owl :smiley:

This Owl is more cute

Dude my internet lagged and I thought that guy was an actual owl wheeeeeeeeze.

They deleted their account

Yeah they (probably) did

Not if it isn’t created to escape punishment on the main account.

I should be banned then if thats the case

Yeah, you should be.

Cuz that’s the case.


Nah it’s even not allowed when you’re using it for normal purposes

I was talking about the game, I have 2 accounts, EkoKaos10 and MoosePW. In game