Why lvl up are not rewarded well

  1. why im getting like 500 gems when im 50+ lvl its pretty usless
  2. can u add items to rewards + made like uhhh… An list of rewards for lvl up?

:rage: @TNMOXA PLEASE stop posting SOOOO much about everything!!! No offense really but it’s getting a little annoying

But lvl upping is really not rewarding almost at all

  • how forums will stay alive if i just can’t posts. I have many questions that i need to get answer on

Forums isn’t all about you and it’s just fine if there is no activity.

Also, why don’t you make a thread with all your questions in it? It’ll prevent threads spam

On and once again, it’s not because forums are inactive you need all alone to make them active by spamming posts and threads. Chill down a bit with the posts and like if you got multiple questions, put them all together on ONE single thread.

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I don’t agree

Firstly Getting your account to 120 gives you 5 perk spots. At that point gem reward has increased to 1200 per increase

If you aren’t using perks then you are losing out

They defo help in Nether. They also improve your farming profit/time spent massively. In fact some items aren’t farmable without perks… (This last point has some grey areas but that can be said for many things in PW!)

Also as another example a few days ago I got my main acct to lvl 160. Which gives 1600 gems for each step plus access to more time on fossil solving…
I have a pile of them and will go at that soon :grin:

  1. they are appearing over time
  2. they are related to pw but not to other questions
  3. ppl really checking updates on posts? I dont think so

Im taking about the 20-50 lvl reward wich is like. 200-500 gems? Meh, not even worth a good booster

U are already getting new perks, new emotes + the gems by leveling up, isn’t that good enough already?

Excuse me.Did u forget perks and potions exist?

Not all precs useful like underwater breathing. Where the hell i will need it? Nowhere. Emotions pretty useless coz they cant be seen on both of my avatars coz of covered face + they does not gives u any buffs and more like for fun. Gems - 500 gems for 61 lvl is pretty small amount, isn’t it?

Ok but if you have a new idea every day or week and make a thread about it, that’ll become spammy at one point.

I do check every new reply posted on forums and i bet i’m sure i’m not alone doing that so yes, people do.


Alr, il create the “ultimate questions post”
Redacted: il create it later

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