Why so many spammers

So today i have been noticing in couple of words I have been in i see 3 subject accounts joining and leaving and after I see join discord group for givewawy **********************

Each subject account saying the same thing 3 times

bcs you will get disconnected if send chat message 3 times at same time. (you can try to do it if you have connection issues)

Unfortunately bots are a major issue in games like these, they’ll always be around. The best you can do is try report them so they can be dealt with but unfortunately due to the features bots have, they always return.

Hello scp610. I see you encountered random Subjects joining and leaving.

Keep in mind that they are Bots. So if you see them report them in-game.

I did but I don’t have the time to report all the bots cus so many

well aint that a risk for a false reporting ban anyways ?

Hello Antonis73, no it isn’t because bots are not allowed in the game, neither is promoting “casino” and a discord server promoting it.

but you can not be certain which players are bots and which are ignoring you exceot if it is regarding auto farm / auto fishing / auto spamming cases (when message exceeds the chat limit) , there are still people whom advertise other things in such manner

Hello Antonis73, as i was saying it was a spam-bot with a message that spam it and leaves automatically before you could do anything with him. Other than report his message. Hope we have an understanding.

And yes, it advertises some “casino” with a discord server invite. I’m pretty sure these aren’t happening anymore but they used to.