X-mas bundle items (leaked accidentally?)

So for like a second jake shows the winter bundle items on the steam:
That’s the best image I got from them.
Looks like we’re getting a hat, glowing eyes and some kind of weapon


Welp this is cool , but sadly it will cost $$.
After their success they had when they first added bundles ,
they just kept going with them , giving even more stuff , and it goes on repeat.

I can already see tons of players getting the new x-mas bundles with special 3 range weapon , or a ring of some sort , at the price of 63 euro or something, oh , and also coming with 1 million gems , that helping them to get more stuff from the x-mas booster , which would mean players will get more legendaries for currency in game , this making them more rich.


I’m tired of these bundles, I would really love for another Pixel World copy , a one that you don’t have to pay $ for gems , you just farm and that is the only way you get it.
But yeah , that is only a dream I guess.


I bet the hat is a 5$ bundle, eyes are the 10$ bundle and the weapon is bazillion dollar bundle


That is a steam hat if I’m correct. Perhaps it will be just like the old steam hat. Purchase it with gems like the first one. I do see this being a problem now that the community is rich with gems. Who knows

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Jake already confirmed that theres a 5$ one
a 10$ one
a 20$ one
and a 50$ one
I wont be able to collect all of them this time lol
my silly collection is gonna die


My silly little bank account will be drained when I buy them all

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And people are saying devs aint making money when players empty their wallet on this game every day… Copium city :rofl:


Hey I will consider you my best friend for like 2 seconds if you buy me atleast one of them :pray:

Looks like a flail

Yeah definitely, they’re trying to get the most out of the new player position like the fire sword and spirit scythe

I bought the inferno blade because of the gems that come with it for the black tower. I NEVER buy boosters on new events because I never get anything good. I don’t see the point this time for a 50$ weapon

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Looks like a dope weapon, sad it is untrdable and you need to buy it

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I want the eyes to go with Domino mask, if they do thats gonna be sick, it reminds me of growtopias “Focused Eyes” which was a iconic item. heres a picture


Jake mentioned its 3 range weapon

Woah its not like the snowball gun which was 5$ was 3 range


Ngl snowball gun sucks and 3 range doesnt matter imo coz we cant use them in nether or sbase

I mean if you don’t want to buy the weapon don’t buy it. Also I think it’s actually 20$ not 50$ my bad for saying the wrong price

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