An Alternative To "Vending Machines"

That would be a good troll from admins :sweat_smile:


I agree, this is a pretty funny thing to add.
I wonder how many players are going to buy the prop thinking they can sell items in it :laughing:.

Daily soda props that change skin color for 5 minutes. People will make vending machine farms

The developers didn’t want to add vending machines or any way for people to keep making ton of profit while they are offline. This probably also why pwe has limited slots.

A gag prop would be nice.

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would be be pretty funny ngl

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+1 (We still do these right?)
Love the idea :flushed:

We know that already.

how bout a vending machine that can access PWE

EndlesS made a block ans prop suggestion thread, you could post that there

deco? vending machine should be the opposite of pwe. instead of paying off bc, pay wl instead.

it will be cool if they add one actually

Naaa, vending machine without any function is gud


A hard no from me. I don’t think we need vending machine that functions like in Growtopia.

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Ngl but that’s a great idea.

vending machine should function if you have mining coins
gives you branded soft drinks :sunglasses:

XD I can see some poor fellow trying to access a vending machine only to realize hours later that it’s just a prop.

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No…the point here is that the vending machine is supposed to be just a useless prop…it’s basically a troll to all the players begging for vending machines to be added to the game o___o

If they pre announced that they were adding it, it would be better, because everyone would freak out and start buying Vending Machine name related worlds, then they would spend a few days raging about how it’s bugged and not working, and then we get to enjoy the tears as they realize it’s just for show XD

Yea, I get that now. That was before I joined in the forums and never knew what disadvantages will go on.

what about there is a button like pwe and some npc but when you press it.a text will pop out like ‘‘get pranked!’’ or ‘‘Lol nothing here’’ or something XD