Byte price is literally ruined

They already are though. World locks aren’t the main currency of the game, they never were.

You will eventually just buy off of the Vendor instead of the players. I like the current price for bytes per world locks you can just make world locks easily.

But Bytes came to game (if I’m right) about 1-2 years ago, Soo before it main currency was world lock.

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My clan mate told he bought 15K Bytes from vendor already.

I don’t know, that’s a bad move.

Players will have to adapt so prices will all be adjusted to byte coins after time.

Just saw someone say in discord (maybe bw) that then prices will become more balanced since it’ll be harder for them to rise than the bc limit

That is only the case because in your mind, you think of “WL” as your dollar bills instead of Byte Coins.

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1293 is easier than remembering 325000 in my opinion

Platinum Byte Coins
But those numbers could also really show just how expensive they really are

hmm platinum byte coins is a nice idea combine bytes it should be 1000 or 10k into one tho not 100

Yes, problem would be that it would contradict this

Think of this, if bytecoins is currently shifted to 220/1 right now, EVERY SINGLE SELLER would then shift the price around that value whenever they sell any items to value it in world locks, which there is nothing with, it’s great for many reasons:

1: Quests will impact the market

There are a ton of quests granting you alot of bytecoins, which will give pwe a bigger use in its current meta, but also that gaining items you’d like to purchase would be easier to suit the further audience, and for the current players.

2: Bytecoins would be more accessive by manual purchases via Bytevendor or the gem store.
As many people have started to transfer their gems value to bytecoins use will likely
be growing a minor tweak to the economy, by a good scale will fully balance the trading market giving people a reason to start using bytecoins more.

3: World locks aren’t superior.
Simple counting is an important element, that’s one thing that i tend to see a nitpick on, but many other MMO’s have a mixed audience with counting currencies, any kind of calculator would do to count the rate worth when doing any kind of expensive purchase.
Bytecoins IMO has always been the better option in marketting, with more open uses it has makes it a refining currency to the game.

World locks is something i do not understand.
It’s a lock, that its only use of its feature is to lock worlds to claim ownerships, while the possibility of trading the worlds is possible, but why relying on that specific item as a currency? Probably because of how growtopia’s migration audience has pushed the currency in the game to be used.
But the problem comes of how the game’s state was still in beta, no item was the actual currency by any means, that it still considered itself as an item.


Get a better naming sense XD.

Maybe do ByteCash instead of just adding ‘platinum’ LOL

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adding platinum made it self explanatory though

Byte has become a lot more useful. I now regularly use the PWE and especially with cheaper items it’s a lot easier to buy them from the PWE than look for someone that’s selling it. It just makes everything a lot easier.

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No, there was no official main currency back then.

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U mean people offered to buy stuff instead of using worldlocks?

Stupidity has finally begun


LMAO I think he doesn’t know vendor prices.

It wasn’t official as only the players used it and not declared by the game