Byte price is literally ruined

I wouldn’t say it’s the main currency of the game. Although it’s becoming a good secondary currency, it’s still compared and sold for World Locks, the “primary” currency. Maybe according to the admins of Pixel Worlds, but I believe World Locks are just the player’s mutual agreement on the currency of the game.

Ah yes. If only there was someone who sold them 219/1

If prices tends to drop than the vendor’s price then it’s time to advertise/advice players
" buy yourselves bytecoins in the vendor npc "

Imagine if players bought one for 200-210/wl, the vendor man would cry.

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Seems its time to Explode WLs at NPC to Bytes

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Fazeus i believe the drop is normal because when it was 500/1wl no one cared about bc and slowly the people realize how good is offline selling is + in many events that required bc which made it go that much (secret base/epic water gun) and now jake is selling world Love for the highest byte offer as i heard so yea slowly it will go back to 250-270/1 which is fair comparing to the npc
Living in abnormal 500/1 times makes us feel like whats happening now is bad

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I really do miss when bytes were not this expensive. It has fallen to a point where people think they can get away with selling it less than the normal 219/wl from the NPC. A perfect price would be anywhere from 270-300/wl.

bruuh wtf
20charac needed

and I had like 20k bytes but slowly bought stupid stuff from the pwe and i just finished like 2 weeks ago and i have now 10bytes , which sucks.

Tbh it’s quite surprising

Bytes come and go its all about Blind Jake’s Auction what is mainly causing Bytes Hoarding , and Price Crash

They are the official main currency, said by the devs several times.
World locks as “main currency” are just something the players came up with from GT.

Oh now I get what u mean, I actually have thought why WORLD LOCK,why not example araska lmao.

Brain reveal…

His brain:“hey it is a great idea to fool buyers because they don’t know the Vendor”
Him: “hell yeah let’s do it!”

the time has come stupidity order 66

You can find a lot of expensive items on the PWE, you just need to know what you’re looking for.

i mean i don’t complain i still do them pwe profit but is really hard to know the price because one day is 220/1 and then 240/1 and then 210/1 but other than that yea i don’t really get affect from it.

Huh I’m profiting daily with pwe
Since I don’t need to do nothing, and I anyway don’t play it as much…

Byte coins dropped since lots of players doing the new method (probably its old) pwe exchange farming(dunno what to call it), people placing orders for very cheap or buying lots of item very cheap and repeating the process and nowadays many players are aware or that to the point theyre just doing it for extra income In addition of that during events like super hero event last week, although it have its own vendor that sells particle for cheap but lots of players buys from the npc and just selling it to pwe (u know the point)… ps) i miss 500/wl

i mean, expensive items like wings of the deep or epwr. and yea i do see some expensive items at pwe.