Do polls on here actually matter?

Just think for a bit about it, you made him angry and quit the forums.

Try cooling off for a bit, and stay for 2 hours out of the forums. You’ll feel better then.

And no, I’m not a simp. I do support your argument too but not to the point of arguing about something that you DON’T change.
And simps will donate everything they can to the person.

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It’s not an insult, it’s a description of ones actions.
For example, I simp for Dev.

People like ondrashek who worship everything the makers do instead of actually discussing issues that could benefit the game is exactly what makes games die.

It’s your opinion that you think it can’t be changed. You quote literay made your own criticisms about the game, and now you’re changing it because you don’t get to share more of your suggestions for discord.

You’ve ignored half of the things I’ve said which has only proven my point, so I guess I can thank you for that.

I will continue to make my critical comments regarding the game, even if you don’t care. I only want what is best for the health of the game but unfortunately you (developers) don’t seem to. I hope one day we can agree on something but for now, we definitely cannot.

Well yeah, Jake did say he couldn’t show the old forums because of privacy laws, and about how he already apologized

So from my perspective, unless the devs have an extra spare of many weeks they can’t show the old forums and if you want Jake to acknowledge that he did something wrong, I think he already did

But yeah why don’t we await more topics and discuss furthermore, for the future of the game?

Does that remind you of somebody?
A mirror? perhaps?

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Ok I’ll tell you one more time. We have already talked about everything related to this half a year ago. If you think I have not addressed something back then then please ask me a question but otherwise I don’t see the point why you are being like this.

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I don’t support everything Jake has done. That includes untradable world locks, and the fact that important security fixes are bundled with an update that comes after 2 months.

If you’re gonna think that I worship Jake like people worship gods, I’m gonna put you on my ignore list for a while to not view your insults & stuff.

I simp hard for dev lol

I can see by your replies here that that’s simply not true, and you’re calling legitimate points as “arguments”. Yet you’re doing that right now, And ruining the point of this thread, how ironic is that?
*Just because you weren’t a member of the old forums, doesn’t mean you get to invalidate us talking about it. It is an important thing regardless of what you think, 'kay?

I am getting a feeling that I have to lock this thread…


Does anyone have any questions anymore related to this?


I’m being like this because you are frustrating. It takes countless threads to get you to even acknowledge the forum exists and that problem exists and even so, you ignore half of the problems and give passive responses that don’t answer the questions asked. If that’s how you want to run the community, so be it, but many people don’t like it. You aren’t going to answer my questions with a proper response so I’m not going to bother asking anymore.

Actually, yes.

Regarding the possible video about reading and responding to the forums, what threads are you gonna pick? Like, popular ones or new ones?

Please be patient Sir, maybe the forumers have wanted to tell you so many kinds of stuff they have been keeping for a long time.


What is your other side that I have not addressed? Maybe I can address that? Ask your question

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Yeah, Jake might be overwhelmed a bit. That’s why he keeps skipping things. I suggest Jake takes time to reread.
(But he is a community manager haha)

Well this is kinda unrelated about polls, but do the devs really pick and try to use the suggestions in the Discord Server and Forums?