Do we have good communication from the devs?

Only an email addressed to Commander_K got responded to.

Jake almost never replies.

how do i dislike replies

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Have you written that you need a reply? If no then that attempt doesn’t kind of count because they read and no reply because they don’t have to.

Also, does Commander_K ever visit the forums.

Stop treating a rare occurence like it’s guaranteed to happen every time.
“They don’t have to” isn’t a counterpoint. It’s a defense for bad communication.

I love the devs as much as the next guy but this isn’t an excuse.

You can’t see who visits the forums.

You could on the old forums :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

It is going to happen every time when you really need a reply.
“They don’t have to” Is literally true, it’s not their job. They don’t get paid for it, community manager does that for them.

Yeah on the old forums. But not on this new forums. I don’t understand that reply, it’s kind of irrelevant.

Literally 3 people on this thread alone provided a valid counterpoint to your irked perception of Jake doing what you think is gods work, and you ignored everything that was said about cherry picking. Jake’s communication is exactly the same as the other devs aside from streams, and he does not relay information to the other devs in a digestible manner, or we wouldn’t be having this issue right now.

As a note… They tell you to contact support to appeal a ban, but when you actually do, it is just left with silence. They have a policy of not unbanning unless it is 100% necessary for them to. What the bans should really say is that they are not appealable.

And that one time Dev has actually responded to my forum thread, it just was “Just don’t get banned”. I mean, seriously? If there’s a bug that has a 1/1000 chance of happening, would you just say “Just get more lucky” instead of fixing the bug?

What issue? I am sure he does do that but you just want to be blind on it.

In 99.99% of cases the ban is there for a reason.

It is clear that there is a lack of communication when players themselves have to make excuses for existing problems (or completely ignore it and point to the good stuff but it does not fix any reoccurring flaws whatsoever) and not the development team who is responsible for the quality of the game.

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No, it’s just some loud few who are being blind to the actual work which the community manager does for us.

How ironic of you to call me blinded, when you stand here among us sus with your rose-tinted glasses.
You are amongst the many sheep who treats a fabled elusive “support / developer response” like gospel, and revolves years of miscommunication around a singular statement, to invalidate the problems that arise daily.
You call us blind, when you haven’t an ounce of criticism for this game, or even the developers, you keep mentioning how hard they work when you yourself knows nothing about what they do, only what they want to show you. You try to speak for them because they don’t, because Jake doesn’t, despite being in no position to do so.

While I love Jake’s job on the streams, they’ve been cherrypicking questions. If they don’t feel that your question is a “good one”, you won’t get a response even if you spam the message.

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Such precise statistics for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the development of the game or who gets banned.

Does that mean DeVz and Starfire1174 are one of the 0.01%?

Just pay some points for an highlighted message and Jake will notice it for sure.

Aaaand that is what isn’t okay to think.

The PSN admins think that they are the most perfect and accurate moderators that 100% never make mistakes, so they made all of their bans “final” and “non-appealable”.

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