Everything we know of ADE and the Lore so far

You probably know all this already, but this is just a documentation of the world ADE

1.) ADE is one out of two worlds that does not show it’s owner (the other being the tutorial world)

2.) ADE is the only world where a rift will always spawn (since it can also spawn anywhere but it is very rare and random)

3.) You can change the symbol on these blocks, but for some reason you cannot change the 2 purple/dark ones on the left

4.) The “FOMO” guy is no longer to be seen

5.) It is possible to go here

6.) One light in this room seems off, literally (you cannot turn it on)

7.) The sensors found around the world opens the door to that sign, but still unknown if it is relevant in answering the puzzle.

8.) The rift spawns every 14 hours (we know that)

9.) (By LarisB) When new players hit a block, it usually shows the owner’s name, but in ADE (If they do find it) it just shows “F”. “F” is also the guy whose text is seen when you get the flaming shard.

10.) The skull thing you see in the cryptic box is actually in the cinematic when you make a new account!!!

11.) “F” as we know (maybe Endless in another acc) gmed this:
(Image by Celics)

I made another topic regarding this

This may be updated.


Just wanted to say…even though the world does not show its owner’s name, when a noob tries to break any block in the world, it shows that it belongs to an account named F. No one knows who F is or if he or she owns any other worlds.


F is also the guy that made that text when you get the flaming shard. My theory is that F= Fomo. Fomo also relates to a phobia which is fearing of missing out. My theory is that FOMO guy is actually “F”.


F = Future. that’s F’s real name


I need 3 people to volunteer with me to see if what I said is true for no,13.

nvm I tried it, it was a false. So I removed what was no.```13 before already

Well yes, If you were reffering why those platforms had wrenches it was because it has 3 different styles (Or smthing like tht)

no, I was referring to above the platforms, the wrench appears UNDER the platforms to change the design.

We should stop worrying about it, we wont find the secret WITHOUT hecking F account and try something, like destroying the oils and the gravity thing, turn all switches and maybe wrench things

dont heck kids endless will kick ur butt

did you seriously mistyped hacking to hecking, or was that on purpose?

A few things to note:

  1. The wiring that can’t be triggered anymore by hitting them is likely to be just a bug. It has happened before when ADE wasn’t yet finished and/or solved. I and a few others told Dev about it who then soon fixed it.

  2. FOMO has nothing to do with F. The Hologram only said it (Fear Of Missing Out) because it was acknowledged that we couldn’t work as a team to solve ADE. No one agreed to leave the world for example to get some of the people with the specific sets to unlock the final area to be furthermore solved. Therefore saying “FOMO exceeds progress”. People’s fear of missing out on the completion/ADE being solved will prevent us from generating any progress.

  3. The rumor on if you obtain 100 dark/light fragments, they can then be combined is just that, a rumor. There is no confirmation regarding this and it’s not kept highly probable.

  4. The bells probably rang when the middle room was solved and the cryptic portal opened for the first time. They are impractical now. Or they also ring every 14 hours when the cryptic portal opens.

i will not question that if moderators catch me using bad words i am gone

I don’t really participate in the lore but this looks like an informative thread. :+1:

Am quite sure those 6 bells ring together whenever ADE’s portal is activated (every 14 hours)

Edit : Didn’t saw Pater’s post. My bad.

ah right my bad (20 char)

I’m not sure but you might be right on the bells ringing every 14 hours when the cryptic portal opens. I never really paid any attention to that particular detail, however, it does sound right that it would ring every single time the cryptic portal opens and not just once.


you can use my sprite for animating a video

hope you enjoy :+1::+1::+1:

Hacking doesnt exist, only HECKing

Wow how did you get your sword so sharp?