How to make byte coins the main currency

Except steam hat is disliked by countless and is an extremely niche item for sets

I think the Steam Hat is awesome, personally.

I used to hate byte coins a lot I found them irritating with pwe as there is 2 currency people use. However I now use pwe alot more and found ways to bytes really easy. if they made world locks untradable that would be a very controversial feature as rich players would have like 40 pl in there inventory what would they do with them? i would love to see them as the main currency but making them untrable is not the correct way. I don’t think angel wings are the way to fix this issue. the devs had done a good job making bytes coins more useful but i think the correct way to do this is to this is to make pwe better and bytes better than they are already!

I forget that the Steam hat exists a solid 90% of the time.

As much as I love ByteCoins, I am always against an act of prohibition that barely serve any purpose. I prefer to let the community choose what they want to use. Let the free market decide what’s best for itself rather than being forced to go down a path.

Too much authoritarian aspect to a game, and it’s no longer a game, rather a simulation to satisfy the developer’s curiosity about a certain possible events that may occur after an incident. The player base will be irritated as they’re pretty much a puppet or a character of a story. You do not have freedom to be what you want or choose to pursue what you believe to be the best.


I actually agree with you destroying world locks and giving everyone no choice could ruin the game

I this this idea would be prett cool, the angel wings part being a PWE limited.
Here is a pixel art of angelic wings (reskin of raven wings)

it would be pretty cool aswell if they had a glowing effect. (possibly glow in the mines as well?)


Those look clean… Very nice.

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