I got covid19

Bruh if i do it they will never meet me again :joy:

Im doing these things dude but i cant even chat fast my fingers hurt lol

I meant the post to @ghost2130 to remind his parents for his vaccination.

Uh okay xD (20 characters ⁰

Oi just do < ilikewritingpostsbecauseidonthavealife>
Without the spaces.

And yes I copied that to save the effort of writing it all over again and again.


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Well then for this case, stay negative.

Hope you get better soon man, Dont Worry, Were all here for you man.

Be sure to take Tylenol to help reduce fever, aches and pains along with some Vitamin C, and Electrolytes while keeping hydrated.

I just recovered from COVID a few months ago and I know you will, too. You got this!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Also take this hug from me. I know things are hard right now, but it will get better.

Wishing you a full and speedy recovery! :]

Hope you get better soon! You’ll be fine.

Dude tysm
Ye sure ill do all those i just came back from bed xD
Tysm i cant say mt feeling with words rn

No prob, dude. Feel free to PM me if you need anything or have questions and I might help you with it.

Uhhh man tysm
Okay i will do it 100%

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