After my class was put in quarantine due to a corona mutation from possibly a teacher or a student from another class, one of my classmates got tested today, he was positive. He was sat one meter from me during three classes on Thursday and Friday.
Wish me luck, I’ll be tested tomorrow.
Everyone also had to pass around a glue stick to glue some papers into our notebooks, and only two people in my class washed their hands before entering.
I know true story where one boy got infected by corona, their parents wanted his little brother to get corona too,because they thought its better when both Are sick , they almost did everything to make little brother got corona, but he didnt got infected.
It wasnt supposed to spread it to whole world, they thought If would be better If they both get sick, instead of double inflection to little brother, and then big brother can be infected too. Soo in my opinion, it wasnt best idea, but not baddest.
The incubation period is 5-6 days on average, and I got severely exposed on multiple occasions from Wednesday to Friday. No symptoms have appeared yet. I’ll need the doctors to stick a q-tip up my nose to find out for sure.
I’m still freaking out because I sat next to the guy for a total of 225 minutes.
You should immediately do self-quarrantine, my grandmother also got sick by it. After she was tested positive, she drinks vitamin c every day, exercise daily (if your tired, you shouldn’t) and wash your hands regularly and spray your room with Lysol. Otherwise, if it gets worse then you might go to ICU.
I was ordered to quarantine. If I end up getting symptoms, I’m certain that my young age and strong immune system will deal with it. I’m mostly worried for my family members.
I have been taking D-vitamine pills for the past three years due to the lack of sunlight in the winter.
My whole family tested positive for corona, and only I have tested negative. Having to avoid my parents is alot worse than having to avoid kids at school.