My response to those who're worried about the PW economy

PW economy

I’ve come across some forum posts and conversations in the Discord server about the economy in-game. Here are some of my thoughts and opinions that hopefully will help a couple of you.

Well, I don’t know the exact reason for the instability of the items. Though, to maintain a stable economy, people would have to be aware of the ongoing manipulation within the trade community of Pixel Worlds. Meaning, before you buy an item, look it up. We are fortunate enough to have price statistics in the game, which Growtopia doesn’t (take advantage of that), check whether the price has gone down or up. From there, make it clear to yourself what the player/s are trying to make you believe. A good tip from me would be to never rush for an item, no matter how bad you want it. If you want something enough, you will get it eventually. Don’t risk getting scammed because you couldn’t wait. These have helped me maintain information and knowledge about manipulative traders- and prices in general. I’ve never been scammed in my eight years of playing Growtopia, so I believe I know a thing or two when speaking of being safe.

Please have a wonderful one, and I hope every one of you achieves everything you want in life. Whether it’s a specific job or something in the game, stay healthy and hydrated! If you are stressed about things, don’t. You’ll get through everything no matter what, I promise.

Best regards,


Looking at prices doesn’t change the fact that we have mass deflation and a sussy Creator sucking 100m bytes out of the community during said inflation to get his own exclusive item.


I truly understand where you’re coming from. But keep in mind that they get paid because they are making content for PW. They do not get it out of thin air. With that being said, I was mainly referring to trades in general.


Well trading isn’t where our concerns are coming from.
There’s a mass byte deflation, and Influencers being paid is not really relevant here, no offense. He’s selling expensive items for cheap so he can further deflate bytes.



Oh, so you are referring to content like Jamew7 from GT was making? Well, that itself is something the devs have to take care of. I’d suggest lowering the number of bytes or rewarding them with something else that doesn’t affect the economy.


Content creation doesn’t have anything to do with it, I was just mentioning that he was a creator.

The main point is, he’s essentially deleting 100 million bytes during a byte drought.


May I ask, have you mailed the team about this problem? Let me know if I am misunderstanding something but are you talking about one specific content creator? I do not know any of them, that’s why. I am asking out of curiosity.


Oh, wait I misunderstood what you said.

I get what you’re saying now, forget the last part I mentioned and focus on the first part.


Emailing support about a global economy issue would never yield results.

True, I’d also only suggest such a thing if you had an answer for the inflation, which I thought you had.

What I’m worried about is neo changing his pfp :flushed:


Not an out of character pfp for Neo, nothing to be worried about.


Watching my items drop dramatically is funny :grinning::grinning::grinning:


Pixel Worlds players watching their net worth drop to 10 byte coins.


I do feel bad for all of you, I’m sorry.



Hi how is Everyone doing today


Also me when i grind for days and days just to realize that i could get that item 2 weeks later by only gridning half a day because it’s dropped like crazy


Soo uhm i think jake challenged EkipAli if he gets 100 mil bc and give it to jake he will get his own exclusive item :skull: