Old creator not demoted

but there is a chance

And that chance is like 0.000000000000000001% because most of them switched to growtopia or runned out of ideas / don’t want to make videos anymore…

Personally i never runned out of ideas for videos and i have some prepared (and one of them will be public in like 2hrs)

that chance probably just goes to wicker10 who already has a career on tiktok and is making more than enough money (old growtopia youtuber who talked about making pw videos). He has no reason to come back to record pixel worlds videos since he already lost interest in growtopia and probably pw too. But the chances of other gt youtubers coming back to record pw videos would be like 1%.

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The soil royale :face_with_raised_eyebrow: people fight with soil suits on for the title god/godess of soil

Nahh lol that will be soo long to organize… i remember when i waited like 1h to get 25 people with soil suit with zygora soo no thanks.

Well they demoted RealLegacy and NotEvil exactly because they were inactive

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Trillionaire was active…

Then, he got demoted for something he has done and admins choose to demote him due to that.

No, they removed all influencers but the ones who became influencer back in beta

Yea but Trillionaire did other things

While being strict, to a point, may promote active behavior, this may not necessarily be the case for some other folks. Some may just put up low quality videos simply to satisfy the requirement and not uploading because of creatity—not that I see many worthy PW videos anyway.

What I think is that if an Influencer hasn’t made PW-related content in a year, they get demoted. And no, GT content doesn’t count.

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For one of the first time, i agree with you ondra.

Welcome back btw (i hope you won’t be suspended again…)

Hello, RetNos. Also yeah, I really do not want another ban. I think the ban was because of bringing threads off-topic; I’ll try to correct that kind of behavior.


Welcome back Ondrashek!

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I was there when this guy came to your world after you gm-ed that you need a middleman,i don’t get it why you gotta hate on the guy when he clearly helped with the situation and did not scam,why would you want his status removed if he does not abuse it?

Moe6 retnos didn’t do the gm I think your just getting a bit confused.

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Yes, i didn’t did the gm.

Someone asked for a middman, i came to help.

Yeah,my bad for rushing on reading, but my point was that it is pointless throwing rocks at this guy when he clearly did something good.

What’s wrong with asking someone who doesn’t meet the influencer requirements to not be an influencer.

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