Pixelians, when did you start the game and what led you to start the game?

Started playng that game in 2017 and quitted in 2017 joined back in early of 2020 still playng it rn xd

I started playing in december 2016, also

Youtube recommended the game & the same day Pixel Worlds was in playstore on the frost page.
2017 March Player

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Im looking for pixelated games and I found this and installed it.
First thing I did in the game get naked and do some poses I was laughing hard while doing it :+1::+1::clap::clap::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::joy:

Ok, welcome! And please don’t bump old threads.

Is there a rule for that can I see?

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Thanks plus repect from your homie.

I started the game when viking update got released, and i was bored so i tried it. I’ve had 4 accounts, thats why my account is only 1000days old

I started back in 2010 and now I’m known as a super cool most awesome player in all of picksel planet