Remove recycler event

Good thing I’m following the rules by being polite, not degrading anyone.

If You disagree, just say that You’re disagree. These kind of argument doesn’t seems to help the game…
It’s better to discuss a solution rather than fighting over which one is right…
And in my opinion, the recycler event should be nerfed a bit or at least make a new way to remove the existing bytes in game


Most replies on a single post! New PW Forum record! Joke.


Agreed, too bad some people just want to always feel right.

Really the only solution is when he stops trying to protect his ego and either accepts he is wrong or just keep believing and stop trying to convince people otherwise

What is your degree in economics? (Directed to those who are debating this)


I like how your solution doesn’t include to simply stop replying because you don’t want your ego to be hurt

Answer you two @Desti and @WeGrow

My message applies to everyone including you. So, no one is wrong and right in here

Middle school economy class :sunglasses:

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My father owns many shares to major companies and talks nonstop about economics

I’m not a genius at economics, I taken it at school for 2 years, but i know enough to understand this guy is wrong

Again saying I’m right and you’re wrong because I said so is not valid proof


I would be worried tho if thats what he tells you, are you sure you understood correctly? Ask your dad about this and see what he says.

bruh this has gone too far

I did give you proof, just ask your dad please

With 9 years constant blatter, yes I’m sure I understood

To be honest, You don’t really need to learn economy to understand inflation


Exactly my thoughts to those asking for backgrounds in economics

true, it is a process which is hard to beat… Also yehey 200 replies! Thank you everyone for letting me achieve the milestone!