Thoughts on Making World Locks Untradeable: For or Against?

its still not yet confirmed, jake is just sayng “if it ever happens” for now, it should work in theory but yeah, its game ran by 12yo people…

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Kinda funny if you think about it… The whole economy is ran by 12 year olds

Exactly 9/10 people you meet in this game is kids

luckily not in forums though.

I think I should re-word what I said, I’m only for untradeable wls if they fix every single problem the community gives before they pass out the update

That’s what I said from the beginning that they would do in the hypothetical case that world locks become untradeable but you seemed to dismiss everything I said. Of course they would not make a major change like this without a lot of thought and evaluation.

It’s official, World Locks will become untradeable after the next update!

Well, this is going to be a huge step for the game. I know and I understand that there are a lot of players that are against it, but as the world change as well, we gotta get used to these changes.

It’s just thing of time.

I have two reasons why I am so against this,

  1. what would be the new currency of trading. might make the community mad and so to say quit

Oh no i hate that just because world locks /WLs have just been so iconic and made the game so good and it made you so happy when you got your very first one. R.I.P wls

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Byte coins of course

That is not a reason why you are against this, this is a reason why other people are against it, afterall some of the community are kids, and kids don’t really understand some stuff like this and so they try to quit

These who quit now, will be back next week, most of them.