What your FEAR?

Heights and spiders for sure, but these are pretty common

i fear no fish or ocean, but tight spaces… they scare me, well, sort of, i dont really care unless its like super hot squished and dark

I have fear of failure and heights

I have a fear of flying in an airplane. In a month I’ll have to go on one to Disney

No need to be afraid, I have been on an airplane many times.

You only feel something unusual during the take off and landing.

During the take off, u get tilted, quite a lot, and maybe shaken a little.

the rest of the flight feels as if the airplane is still.

During the landing, the plane shakes a lot, you might think you’re crashing if it’s your first time, but you aren’t.

I don’t think that’s gonna help someone who’s afraid of plane flights.

I’m explaining them what’s gonna be happening, so they don’t panic when it happens.

Kinda weird that nobody pointed out the ‘fear of vomit’ :eyes:

guy vomiting
Everyone in here : Noice :eye::lips::eye: :+1:

Oh, I actually do have that.

Fear of vomitting tho, not vomit

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i dont have a fear of it, its just nasty and disgusting

The sound of any fly flying near me so you can really hear the buzz noises, makes me really uncomfortable lol.

Edit: Oops sorry I forgot to mention that I have many fears so, that was only the first one XD.

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