Content Creator Requirements are well enforced

From might…… be getting better he hasn’t posted anything bad in 4 months maybe that’s why they made him influencer maybe.

Can’t have gotten that much better if those videos are still public.

What scammer did I defend here? Oh my god, what kinda trees are you smoking?

Here my point, these people may bad content/cringe/unoriginal but they help their parents, by making money on their own at a young age.

Some of them have a brother or sister who wants to get to college from my perspective who works and knew is hard to earn money I also got a responsibility, is it ok to do these things.

All of you should realize you guys shaming these people here.

Assuming from is about 15 he probs is I guess.

Oh yes, keep excusing scummy things because of your baseless statistic and made up stories, while you consistently invalidate the fact that they steal viewers from people who actually work hard to make content, and could just as easily be suffering with the same story you just made up.

If you’re that desperate for money, get a job.

Seeing how you won’t back down from supporting people doing crappy things, most people reading your inconsiderate comments have what’s left of our already scarce respect for you thrown out the window.

As ontol said if he isn’t over 16 he probably shouldn’t be getting a job

“scamming is ok if u wanna go to college”
-Ontol K

Also the man himself is on the forums anything you wanna say about this @From

So here’s the deal, making videos to help anyone in need of income does not mean you should make crappy videos that can influence a person badly, like once it was said “Think before doing” Or in this case, think the consequences of what making these types of videos would do, since getting income to help isn’t the only thing that you’d get from making these types of videos

And kids who don’t have a job shouldn’t be monetizing videos
There’s plenty of better ways to make money than being a dishonest misleading channel

I think he just got carried he has got Around 500k views from all his scamfail videos one getting 150k

That probs got him a lot of money

That’s 500k potential people who are influenced to participate in scam fails.

Oh man, I wish I care about respect because I don’t.

And I still trust my opinion, If you working hard on your content people will care/notice about it, hard work always pays off, gold always gold even gets thrown in a pile of trash.

You can get money from a hobby no just a job.

I’m never backing down to defense some people who make content about scam fail or blind trade because they did nothing wrong in my opinion.

Nah about 100k when you think about they were probably watched by the same people many times

I care about people who try to help with making these videos but I think you kept ignoring this :

Doesn’t YouTube use ID system?

If you rewatch a video it gets counted how I know that’s true is that despacito has 7.5 billion views

You hear that guys?
Ontol thinks scamming, misleading and tricking people is ok, because of the small proofless chance that they might need money, regardless of the hard workers who get no views and give up on the daily because of them, who suffer the same problems

This is the kind of person you are, a guy who thinks people should bend the rules for money, well done

No? I used to try this on a video of mine and like 200 views were deleted

Yeah he literally doesn’t give a crap about the impact it has on all the viewers and doesn’t understand the concept of “butterfly effect”.