Platinum Locks But Byte

thats good news we really do need that.

It will make it easier to trade big items, for example, if you aren’t that good at maths.

But if it’s only going to be 10,000 bytes all you’d need to do is add 4 zeroes… basic multiplication isn’t that hard and you probably aren’t 13 or older if you can’t count 4 extra zeroes on a screen

I understand easy maths like that, what I’m trying to say is that there may be people that don’t.

Again, if they can’t count 4 extra zeroes, I highly doubt they are 13 or older

not needed since you can already store a VERY big amount of bc (not infinite, but a very large number that will probably never be achieved by normal means).

Also, on big amounts, how could it be easier to add up the bigger coins and the smaller coins to get a total instead of just placing the whole amount of bc at once and telling if it’s enough or not?
For example, to do 2(100k) + 13(10k)+ 2743 bc instead of just putting down 332743 bc.
Didn’t you want less maths?

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regarding this logic, it only applies to real life since you won’t go around carrying thousands of cents, imagine doing that, certainly not comfortable nor an effective use of materials. Those are things we don’t have to worry on PW

Hmm think about this

What if you converted platinum locks to megabytes which were worth 25,000 byte then we wouldn’t have to recalculate all the prices of items in worlds locks that people know so well.

It might persuade the haters who don’t want to lose world locks.

In order to properly do that, they would also need to make a coin that has the wl value. The point is to get out of the wl mentality, this certainly doesn’t help with it and also falls under the problem I adressed on my first response

They wouldn’t need to make an equivalent for world locks and if you want to get out of that mentality then 10,000 or 20,000 would be fine I know it wouldn’t be a huge difference but I would be a lot nicer and it really isn’t very hard to do.

They wouldn’t need to make an equivalent for world locks

I mean, in order to avoid the “recalculate all the prices”, it would have to be implemented, wouldn’t it? Otherwise that problem would still persist despite the megabyte’s existence.

if you want to get out of that mentality then 10,000 or 20,000 would be fine I know it wouldn’t be a huge difference but I would be a lot nicer and it really isn’t very hard to do.

Talked about it on my first comment

Also could be to reduce scams as sometimes people won’t notice that the other person took away a zero, etc.

You don’t need to know the prices of cheap items because they are sold on pwe but you do need to know the prices of exp items not on pwe that’s why a wl equivalent is not needed.

And yeah it prevents scams one of the reason they are making this change anyway

Regardless of big coins or not, people will still try to trade scam., it won’t change anything, since people already do trade scams with wls and pls.

If you want people to stop getting trade scammed, then might as well disable trading (or tell them to ALWAYS double check their trades, that’s why you have a three seconds time window before confirming. Good luck on trusting in this option, though…).

The point is it may be more noticeable.

changing from 11wls to 1 wl is also very noticeable, yet there is people who get scammed from this one, and we are talking about a small amount of currency

Well with this we can do something about it to make it harder to get scammed, any precautions we can take are worth it?

It doesn’t give any extra precautions, getting trade scammed is not about the type nor amount of the items, it’s a play on people’s greed and haste to decieve them. The only precautions that can be taken by now are from the trader itself, and if they do not do anything to avoid getting trade scammed, nobody will.

I mean the game has added precautions like the 3 second countdown.

Yeah, I mentioned it before.
And even before that addition, double checking still was the trader’s responsibility, as it is now.