Do polls on here actually matter?

There are supposed to be people who give all the information to the devs Ina digestible manner. Devs aren’t supposed to be cooped up with no interaction or how would they know how to properly develop a game when we, the players, who have experience and care for your game and know what’s best for it?

Blockquote There are supposed to be people who give all the information to the devs Ina digestible manner

Yeah that’s me

Jake, you haven’t even answered my question…

But it seems even you’re not aware of every issue…

You should try taking more ideas from the community instead of leaving all the work to yourself? That’d drastically decrease the development and get a lot more money/resources for the team.

Give him some time lol

i was a very active member of the old forums and cannot recall a single time you talked about it there. i can barely remember you even sending messages there except for block design contests.

you should listen to the community? that’s the whole point we are making, or at least that i am making.

yeah i’m sure you did… that’s why players that some infamous players are still walking around unbanned despite them having gotten all their wls out of nowhere…

i agree with you on this; there is no simple way to ‘fix’ it, but there is definitely ways to prevent it, such as giving moderators more power, recruiting new moderators and reviewing current ones (i’ve made reports on moderators who have done VERY unfair things but obviously they were ignored).


I find this interesting because I find it hardest to contact you. I’ve asked you a question on both accounts on Instagram, and I’ve waited over a year and haven’t gotten a response.

Having to stalk streams for the small chance that you’d pick me out just isn’t the same. I’ve managed to talk with dev and EndlesS (well until EndlesS cut off all ties with me), and even befriended them in game earlier on.

How do you define “Community suggestions”. Suggestions from the forums? instagram? youtube videos? streams?
Almost everything at this point have been requested from us. Our job is to figure out what is the most cost effective way to bring the most content for our players. Once again: the bigger picture.
Our update are not only based on our opinions and we constantly bring items/features in the game players suggest and even design.
Clans? → community request
Fishing → Community request
Ai enemies/ dungeons → community request
Pirates → community request
Elfs/orcs → community request
PWE → community request
World screenshot → community request.

What has not been a community requets? :smiley: Well maybe the card game? But you guys have asked about mini games and collectible items/ collection books for stuff. Well this is one? Sooo… Card game as well is a community request :wink:

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Well, the problem with these requested features is that they’re never built upon until months later where they add one small little part.
They’re just made and then abandoned right after. We need the features to complement each other.

Example on my thread here:

Also, there’s a reason we have an 80% vote on here:

The things we want most are never acknowledged or considered. Little tweaks like the things above would improve things so much more. Those should be included in every update regardless, even if that’s not what the update is about.

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We should stop complaining and we should wait for the card update!

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Never send me a direct message. I never respond to direct messages. I have over 30000 direct messages I have not responded to. If you want my response then make an instagram post and Tag @pixelworldsgame with #pixelworldsgame :wink:

100% Agree with this.

Criticism is what makes a game good. Blindly ignoring everything and telling the community to shut up leads to lazy development. Don’t be a sheep, we know what we’re doing.


Btw “bug fixes” “quality of life improvement” etc. Those are not suggestions. You have to tell us what bug to fix, how it happens and in what situation. Same with quality of life improvement. We are not mind readers.

you don’t have to be, there were countless threads on the old forum which you should’ve read, and there have been many posted here. it takes just a little bit of effort to keep up with the forums daily, but i shouldn’t have to tell that to the community manager.

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We’ve made quality of life suggestions for literally years.
Kick/Ban sound/animation, unban feature, GM Cool down (increasing price doesn’t fix things)
Deleting Gms from banned players, more ways to get inventory space, more hotslots (like the wiring tool adds an extra one so why not)
Enemy pieces that drop to make enemy-themed items to craft, small things like that are things that require minimal effort but make players happy. Things like this, not just boosters, are things we’ve been suggesting since launch.

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Also these suggestions are not easy. We have to look at the big picture.

More inventory for example: If we do this some devices will crash and we will have to remove those devices from the supported list = We remove players from the game. Sorry your phone is not good enough anymore.

I would love to have more inventory slots but…

Then how about an item that increases it, so people have the choice to. They could also have an inventory limit option in the settings.
Here’s a couple more things we’ve suggested for years like the Friend list having a “last time online feature” and a workaround for adding more max friends, such as friends loading 5 at a time or having multiple pages.

This is already done.

This is actually a full feature and not a super small thing to add.

All of these that you list are so called “Low priority” tasks that we actually have listed. The problem is that there is always bigger fish to fry :thinking:

I remember Dev’s forum thread about it, very interesting to read